3 – 12 Programming
The ESC 2 command implements the line spacing set by the ESC A
command. Should no ESC A command precede the ESC 2 command, the
default line spacing (6 LPI) will be activated by the ESC 2 command.
Fine Line Spacing
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC 3 n 27 51 1-255 1B 33 01-FF
The ESC 3 command is a user-selectable line space setting command that
lets you choose a setting in increments of 1/216 inch. You can select a
maximum line space setting of 255/216 inches, which is the equivalent
of one printed line every 1-39/216 inches. (See Note).
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC J n 27 74 1-255 1B 4A 01-FF
The ESC J command allows you to interrupt the set line spacing and reset
the line spacing for a single line to a multiple of 1/216 inch. You can select
a maximum space setting of 255/216 inches, which is the equivalent of
a 1-39/216 inches line space. Upon receipt of the ESC J command, the
printer prints out the line containing the command and advances the
paper the distance specified by the command. Line spacing then returns
to the previous setting, and the printer continues to print. (See Note).
Note: (For ESC 3 and ESC J) The standard IBM printer advance is expressed in multiples
of 1/216 inch. IBM-compatible MICROLINE hardware performs paper advances in
multiples of 1/144 inch rather than 1/216 inch; therefore, MICROLINE software
automatically multiplies the number specified in ESC 3 and ESC J statements by 2/3 to
perform the most precise IBM emulation.