Appendix A: Programming Commands A – 3
Description ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Line Spacing
Loads variable fine line ESC A n 27 65 n 1B 41 n
Sets line spacing to variable ESC 2 27 50 1B 32
fine line spacing
Set the line feed to 7/72 inch ESC 1 27 49 1B 31
8 LPI ESC 0 27 48 1B 30
Sets the specified line space ESC 3 n 27 51 n 1B 33 n
Line spaces n/216 inch ESC J n 27 74 n 1B 4A n
Paper Out Alarm
Paper indicator lights ESC 9 27 57 1B 39
whenever paper is low or out.
Printer will not respond to ESC 8 27 56 1B 38
a paper out condition.
Printer will continue
printing even if paper is out
Print Mode
NLQ mode ESC I ETX 27 73 3 1B 49 03
UTILITY mode ESC I SOH 27 73 1 1B 49 01
HSD mode ESC # 0 27 35 48 1B 23 30
Superscript and Subscript
Selects superscripts ESC S 0 27 83 48 1B 53 30
Cancels superscript and ESC T 27 84 1B 54
Selects subscripts ESC S 1 27 83 49 1B 53 31
Begin underlining ESC - 1 27 45 49 1B 2D 31
Stop underlining ESC - 0 27 45 48 1B 2D 30