Programming 3 – 37
Line Feed
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
LF10 0A
VT 11 0B
Execution of the VT or LF command causes one line of data to be printed,
and also causes the paper to advance one line.
Paper Out
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC 8 27 56 1B 38
ESC 9 27 57 1B 39
If you want to disable the paper out alarm (the paper indicator will not
light when paper is low) enter the ESC 8 command. If you want to be
signaled by the printer when paper is low or out, (this is the default
setting) use the ESC 8 command.
Near Letter Quality Mode
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC I ETX 27 73 3 1B 49 03
When you want to make a good impression with a memorandum or
letter, use OKI’s special near letter quality mode. In this mode the printer
prints over each line twice. On the second pass, the printer fills in the dot
pattern to form a sharp, crisp letter. You get great results when you print
your word-processing files in this mode.