3 – 14 Programming
Form Feed
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
FF 12 0C
Prints the data in the print buffer, returns the carriage, then advances the
paper to the top margin of the next page.
Note: (TRS-80 owners only.) This command is not valid with your computer.
Skip Over Perforation
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
ESC N n 27 78 n (n = 1-127) 1B 4E n (n= 01-7F)
ESC O 27 79 1B 4F
If n is any value between 1 and 127, the printer automatically advances
to the top margin of the next page when there is only 1 inch left at the
bottom of a page. (This command is ignored if the value of n is more than
page length.)
In order to deselect Skip Over Perforations use the command ESC O. In
BASIC format, the value of n must appear in a CHR$ statement.
Changing Character Size
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
DC2 (10 CPI) 18 12
ESC : (12 CPI) 27 58 1B 3A
SI (17.1 CPI) 15 0F
SO (double width) 14 0E
DC4 (cancels double 20 14
width before line end)
ESC W 1 27 87 49 1B 57 31
ESC W 0 27 87 48 1B 57 30