Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Pilot Phase
This parameter sets the phase relationship between the 19 kHz pilot and the 38 kHz suppressed carrier. The
system default is 0.0º. The performance of the DSP based digital stereo generator is theoretically perfect,
however should the phase need adjustment in order to offset time domain errors in the overall transmission
system, the pilot phase can be adjusted ±32º, in 2º increments. We recommend that a calibrated modulation
monitor be used for this adjustment. If one is not available, the tried and true “bow tie” method using an
out-of-phase 100 Hz tone will suffice. If you are not familiar with this method, contact Omnia tech support
for details.
The stereo “soundfield” can be reduced by 3 dB or 6 dB to suppress processing-induced multipath that can
occur in certain terrain and within certain transmission systems when heavy processing is used. When a
setting of -3 dB or -6 dB is used, the amount of L-R (perceived stereo effect) is also reduced. However in
difficult RF signal coverage areas, the amount of perceived multipath is reduced as well, resulting in the
perception of a much cleaner overall signal with better penetration and coverage. The Omnia-6 defaults to
a setting of Stereo, using the full L-R signal. We suggest that you leave it in that mode, but the other
settings are available for those who wish to experiment, including a setting of Mono.
This submenu allows you to create and
maintain Schedules (Daypart Tables). A
schedule is used to automatically load or
change presets according to the day and/or
time of day. The start day can be any
specific day of the week, weekdays (M-F),
weekends (S-S), or every day (All). All
dayparts must end within a 24-hour period.
Over 450 individual events can be
programmed within a 7-day interval.
Schedule Submenu
Schedule List
Previously saved Schedule files are listed in the window. To select a schedule, highlight and click on the
schedule name.