Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
point. The overall stereo soundfield will appear wider and be much more consistent sounding between
program sources. The smart Stereo EXP algorithm turns off when a mono program source is present. If you
find that your mono programming sounds a bit thin, you can add a small amount (2 dB) of Phat Bass boost
to restore warmth to the overall air sound.
Limiters Crossover (XO)
Limiters Crossover (XO)
The audio signal from the Enhance section is again split into six bands to drive the multiband limiter
section. The limiter crossovers frequencies are fixed at 85, 330, 1000, 3000 and 7500 Hz. Factory drive
settings are initially recommended, but the overall density can be adjusted by changing all 6 drive controls
up or down an equal amount. More drive to the limiters will increase the density of the audio providing a
louder but more squashed sound. Less drive will reduce the density and provide a more open, more
dynamic sound. Reducing the overall limiter drive too much can rob you of loudness. Note also that the
upper three limiter bands (4,5 & 6) will generally not show as much average gain reduction (little or none
at times) as the lower three bands. This is normal and accounts partially for the improved clarity in the
Omnia-6fm. You will notice brief, fast bursts of significant gain reduction on these bands especially on
bright dynamic program material and vocal sibilants.
If you are familiar with the limiter section in the Omnia Classic, you'll remember that significant gain
reduction was necessary in order to achieve extreme loudness. That is NOT the case with Omnia6-fm! The
limiters are true limiters, and therefore don't need to do much work after the multiband AGC section to
create a huge signal on the dial. In fact, the most common mistake that our first customers made when
adjusting the Omnia6-fm was overdriving the limiters. A little goes a long way. In fact, it may help to think
of them not as limiters, but as "Clipper Resource Allocators". They should only do just enough work to
keep the audio in each frequency band from driving the final clippers too hard, and no more.