Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
After entering the preset name’s last character, rotate the jog-wheel until the
√ Checkmark is highlighted.
Click the jog-wheel to save the new preset. If you wish to cancel the operation, highlight the X instead and
click the jog-wheel. The operation is canceled and the Preset list and menu is again displayed.
Note: You cannot save a preset using any of the factory-supplied preset names. A different preset name
must be used, using the Save As menu option. This prevents accidentally overwriting the factory presets.
Renaming and Deleting Presets
To rename or delete a preset, highlight and click the Modify choice in the Preset menu. Rotate the jog
wheel to highlight the Preset List and click. Now highlight and Click to select the preset to be modified. To
rename the selected preset, highlight and click on Rename. The Rename Preset dialog will appear and a
new name for it can be entered. (See Saving Presets above) After entering the preset name’s last character,
rotate the jog-wheel until the
√ Checkmark is highlighted. Click the jog wheel to save the new preset. If
you wish to cancel the operation, highlight the X and click. The operation will be canceled and the Preset
Menu again displayed. To Delete the selected preset, highlight and click on Delete. You will be asked to
confirm the destruction of the selected preset. Highlight and click on Yes to go ahead and delete the preset
or No to cancel and return to the Rename and Delete screen.
Getting the Sound You Want
If you believe that you’re in a loudness war and you need to react aggressively, here are some suggestions
that should help you achieve that goal. Conversely, if you have the rare luxury to strive for increased sound
quality, we have suggestions for you too! Omnia-6 is designed to minimize the impact of the quality vs.
loudness trade-off.
We recommend that before starting the process of cranking it up just for the sake of raw loudness, try to
decide what sonic characteristics you feel are lacking in your station's sound. In many instances, it’s not
just about increasing the drive to the limiters, the clipper, or the composite clipper. It can be as simple as
creating an illusion of added loudness by changing a single time-constant parameter. There are even known
instances where the use of stereo enhancement created the necessary apparent loudness. Please don’t bite at
the first temptation to crank the system. Sometimes the old adage of less is more really applies!
Before delving into alternative processing possibilities, please give the next brief section some thought. It
may help provide you with some needed direction in your overall processing plan.
A Word about Loudness
Making this confession is a little like telling your parents you dented the car. But here it goes: It’s OK for
your station to be loud. Very, very loud.
In the past, loudness was a problem due to the limitations of the processors of the day. In the quest for
ultimate loudness, you probably either adjusted (or modified) your old processor well outside of its “safe”
range, or used multiple boxes in the signal chain and accepted the byproducts of the interactions and
conflicts among them.
Omnia-6fm has changed all of that! It's been designed to look at the incoming audio, and know how to
make your station consistently loud on the dial, and without the artifacts or grunge created by your current