Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Under the Options Menu, select "Edit Connection". A new window will open, and a default “New
Connection” option will be displayed. Enter required information into each of the configuration boxes.
Edit Connection Menu in Omnia 6 Remote Control
In the left side of the "Edit Connection" window will be the list of any connections that are currently
contained in the 'connect.dat' configuration file. The specific names in the list are derived from the
information that was entered into the "Name:" box when each connection was first set up. In the Properties
Window of the dialog box, it's a good idea to edit the connection name to match the type of connection you
wish to configure. The three available connection types are:
• via Direct Serial
• via Modem
• via TCP/IP Ethernet
Connection names such as “Serial” if using the RS-232 port, “Network” if using the Ethernet port or
“Dialup” if using a modem may be used. This naming convention is not mandatory, but it will help keep
things tidy if you decide to use Omnia 6 Remote Control to connect to several Omnia6-fm units.
(Note: Use New to create any additional connection entries. Use Delete to remove any unused entries.
Select any entry in the connection list to edit its fields. Use Cancel to exit without making changes.)
To set up a connection:
1. Enter the name of the connection in the "Name" box. It is helpful to name the connections you
create according to the Omnia they connect to, or even by the method of connection. For instance,
the name box could contain entries like "WXXX Omnia", "WYYY Omnia", "WXXX Omnia by
Modem", WYYY Omnia by Network", etc.
2. In the Password box, enter the login password for the Omnia that you wish to make a connection
to. Remember that the factory default password for Omnia Remote Control is 'tomtom' (all lower
3. If you wish to connect over a network, you must check the box "Connect over Ethernet". When