8-2. Trouble Diagnosis by Error Monitor Lamps
8-2-1. Location of the Error Monitor Lamps
Remove the top plate of outdoor unit and the cover of Electrical Component Box.
The Power Lamp and Error Monitor Lamps are located on the P.C.Board of Electrical Component Box. (Fig.1)
8-2-2. Display of the Error Monitor Lamps
If a protective device has activated or there is a sensor failure in the outdoor unit, the 4 error monitor lamps on the
outdoor control circuit board will indicate the nature of the trouble.
Heat Exchanger Rear side P.C.Board of Electrical Component Box.
Error Monitor Lamps
Front side
Fig.1 View from top
Power Lamp
Error Monitor Lamp
Error Contents
Sensor for compressor discharge temp
Sensor for heat excharge temp
Sensor for branch pipe A (Narrow tube)
Sensor for branch pipe B (Narrow tube)
Sensor for branch pipe C (Narrow tube)
Sensor for branch pipe D (Narrow tube)
Sensor for branch pipe A (Wide tube)
Sensor for branch pipe B (Wide tube)
Sensor for branch pipe C (Wide tube)
Sensor for branch pipe D (Wide tube)
HIC circuit trouble (current, temp)
Actuation of comp over load relay
Actuation of freeze protection function
Outdoor unit error. Detail of error message indicate on indoor LED
Outdoor temp sensor
: ON : OFF
To prevent electric shock, do not inspect or repair until the Power Lamp on
the P.C.Board is turned off.