COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems
9-38 November 1996 3810-A2-GB30-20
Table 9-6
(5 of 6)
V.42/MNP/Buffer Configuration Options
*Break Buffr Ctl: Keep_Data
Nxt Keep_Data Discard_Data
Break Buffer Control. Determines if data stored in the modem’s buffer is saved or discarded when the DTE issues a
break sequence.
Keep Data (Nondestructive mode) – Saves the data in the buffer in both the local and remote modems.
Discard Data (Destructive mode) – Empties the data buffer. Only buffers in the same direction of travel as the break
are discarded.
The factory default is Keep Data.
NOTE: This configuration option is ignored if the Break Forces Escape configuration option (see DTE Dialer
configuration options group) is enabled.
AT commands for Discard Data are \K0 and \K1.
AT commands for Keep Data are \K2, \K3, \K4, and \K5.
*Send Break Cntl: Data_First
Nxt Data_First Break_First
Send Break Control. Determines what is sent from the modem first, data or break if a break sequence is sent from the
Data First (Nonexpedited) – A break is treated as a data character and is sent in the order it was received. This is also
known as Nonexpedited mode.
Break First (Expedited) – A break is sent before the data currently in the buffer. This is also known as Expedited mode.
The factory default is Data First.
NOTE: This configuration option is ignored if the Break Forces Escape configuration option (see DTE Dialer
configuration options group) is enabled.
AT commands for Break First are \K0, \K1, \K2, and \K3. AT commands for Data First are \K4 and \K5.
*TXBuffDiscDelay: 10sec
Nxt 10sec 60sec Disable
The Transmit Buffer Disconnect Delay is the maximum amount of time the modem can continue to send data in its
Transmit Buffer to the remote modem after it is commanded by the DTE to disconnect. Disable means that the
disconnect occurs immediately. The default is 10 seconds.
Disable – Modem disconnects immediately without attempting to send data stored in its buffers.
10, 60 sec
– Maximum amount of time the modem tries to empty its buffers before disconnecting. In both cases (10 sec
and 60 sec), the modem disconnects much sooner if it can empty its buffers.
NOTE: This configuration option is not available if Error Control Mode configuration option is set for DirectMode.
AT command is S-register S49 =
, where
is 0 for Disable and any value from 1 to 255 in 1 second increments.
*This configuration option is only available if Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async. Refer to the DTE Interface
configuration options group for more on Async/Sync Mode.