COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems
Glossary-4 November 1996 3810-A2-GB30-20
Configure Top-Level menu branch that contains all the modem’s configuration options.
An outlet on equipment and cables that provides a connection.
Canadian Standards Association.
CTS Clear-to-Send. A signal indicating that the modem is ready for the DTE to transmit data.
Customer 1
A user
-defined configuration area containing customized configuration options for a
specific application.
Customer 2
A user
-defined configuration area containing customized configuration options for a
specific application.
data carrier
A continuous frequency signal that can be modulated by another signal that contains
information to be transmitted.
data compression The elimination of empty fields, redundancies, and gaps in order to reduce storage
capacity needs and the amount of data to be transmitted. Anything that is eliminated is
restored after the data is received.
Data mode One of two general modem operating modes. When in Data mode, the modem transmits
and receives data instead of accepting commands.
DB-25 connector
A 25-pin connector that is used to connect a cable which enables communications
between two devices.
dBm A decibel referenced to one milliwatt. This unit measures relative signal power.
DCE The equipment (Data Communications Equipment or Data Circuit Terminating
Equipment) that provides the functions required to establish, maintain, and end a
connection. This equipment also provides the signal conversion required for
communication between the DTE and the telephone line. A modem is a DCE.
DCP Diagnostic Control Panel. The face of the modem that continuously provides status
information about the modem’s operation and allows an operator to manage its operation.
This is a generic term used for both the standalone and carrier-mounted models. See
demodulation The process of recovering data from a modulated carrier wave.
dial command modifiers A modifier used in the dial string that instructs the modem how to process a dialed
telephone number.
dial line
A communications circuit that is established by a switched circuit connection in the dial
dial network See PSTN.
Dial Standby A function available when the modem is operating in Dial Backup mode, allowing the
modem to switch back to lease-line operation while still maintaining the dial-line
dial string
A series of characters that consists of numbers and modifiers used to dial a telephone