COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems
10-4 November 1996 3810-A2-GB30-20
AT Command Equivalent
is no A
T Command Equivalent for Service Line.
DownLoad Code
Download Code function sets parameters within
the modem when transferring firmware to a remote
modem or when receiving firmware upgrades from a
locally attached PC-based controller. The latter should
only be performed by customer service personnel.
There are two selections under Download Code: Clone
to Remote and To Local via DTE. Clone to Remote is
used to transfer an exact copy of the firmware currently
stored in a 3800 Series modem to another 3800 Series
modem. For this to occur
, the modem must be connected
to the remote modem via a leased-line network or an
established dial-line network. If these prerequisites do not
exist, then this selection does not appear on the LCD.
The second selection appearing on the LCD is T
Local via DTE. This function permits firmware upgrades
to be transferred to a 3800 Series modem. This type of
download requires a locally attached PC-controller to be
connected to the modem’
s DTE port as well as special
download software. Any downloads using this selection
are intended to be performed by customer service
personnel only.
Clone To Remote
This function allows you to transfer an exact copy of
the local modem’s firmware to a remote modem. Before
using Clone to Remote, perform the following:
Make sure the 3800 Series modems have an
established dial network connection using either
V.32bis or V.32 modulation or a leased-line
connection using either V.33, V
.32bis, V
.32, or
V.29 modulation.
• Make sure the remote modem’
s Access From
Remote configuration option is enabled.
Make sure the password (Remote Access Password
configuration option) is the same in both the local
and remote modems. (For an example of how to
change the password, refer to the Editing and
Saving a Configuration Option
section in
Chapter 9.)
o access Download Code from the Control branch,
make the following selections:
Control :
Press the
key until Download_Code appears. Press
any function key to select Download_Code.
Download Code >
any function key to select Clone_to_Remote.
The modem begins a transfer
of its own program to the
remote modem. This process
takes the communications
link out-of-service for several
minutes depending upon the
data rate of the link
(14,400 bps = 10 minutes;
9600 bps = 15 minutes;
4800 bps = 30 minutes). If the
Clone to Remote process is
started and then interrupted,
the remote modem is left in a
partially programmed state in
which its functional
capabilities are limited to
those required to initiate and
complete another download
Warning : Download