COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems
Index-4 November 1996 3810-A2-GB30-20
LCD display, 4-6
LdEditAreafrm, 9-5
Leased Line Carrier On Level (S48), 14-21
Leased Line mode, 14-9
Leased Line Rate, 9-29, 14-20
Leased Line Transmit Level, 9-30
Leased Mode, 9-29
Leased TX Level (S45), 14-20
leased-line connection, 2-7
LEDs, 4-4
Line Current Disconnect, 9-22
Line Current Disconnect (S65), 14-23
Line Dialer, 9-20
Line Feed Character (S4), 14-16
Linefeed Character, 9-17
Local Analog Loop, 8-3
Local Digital Loop, 8-5
locking the DCP, 4-15
Long Space Disconnect, 9-22
Long Space Disconnect (Y), 14-6
LSD Control (&C), 14-7
Make Busy, 10-3
Make Busy Via DTR, 9-24
Make Busy Via DTR (S69), 14-24
manual dialing, 6-2
Maximum Frame Size, 9-39
menu tree, A-1
overview, 4-7
remote, 11-3
messages, 4-8
MI/MIC Dialing, 9-25
MI/MIC Dialing (S83), 14-25
MNP5 Compression, 9-35
MNP5 Compression (%C), 14-14
models, 1-2
carrier-mounted, 3-1
standalone, 2-1
Modem-to-Modem Flow Control, 9-37
Modulation and Data Rate (%B), 14-13
modulations supported, D-2
Network Management Address, 9-44
Network Management Address (S75), 14-24
Network Position, 9-45
Network Position Identification (S74), 14-24
NMS, DTR alarm, 9-44
NMS Call Messages, 9-44
NMS Call Messages (S66), 14-23
No Answer Timeout, 9-21
No Answer Timeout (S7), 14-16
No Carrier Disconnect, 9-23
No Carrier Disconnect (S10), 14-17
No Data Disconnect, 9-23
No Data Disconnect Timer (\T), 14-13
No Data Disconnect Trigger Signal, 9-23
No Data Disconnect Trigger Signal (S80), 14-25
Nxt (DCP option), 9-6
Online mode, 14-5
operating modes, 14-1
options, 1-2
Options (Status branch), 7-5
Originate Access security, 12-2
Originate Security, 9-47, 12-9
Parity Bit, 9-9
Administrative, 12-5, 12-10
Answer Access, 12-11
combination, 12-3
database, 12-12
DTE-side, 12-3
entry, 12-11
examples, 12-12
number of DTE password tries, 9-46
Originate Access, 12-12
Remote Access, 14-22
remote access, 9-43
Table, 12-6
Type, 12-7
VF-side, 12-2
Password Table, 12-6
Pattern (Test branch), 8-6
Pause Time (for “,” dial modifier), 9-21
Pause Time for Dial Modifier (S8), 14-17
PBX, C-3
pin assignments, E-1
power-up procedure, 2-8
primary channel, 11-2
Rate Auto Originate, 9-32
Rate Auto Originate (S36), 14-18
Receive Buffer Disconnect Delay, 9-39
Receive Buffer Disconnect Delay (S39), 14-19
Receive Remote Loopback, 9-40
Record (Status branch), 7-5
redialing, automatic, 9-19, 9-24, 9-32, 14-19
Remote Access Password, 9-43
Remote Access Password (S56–S59), 14-22
Remote branch, 11-1
Remote Digital Loop, 8-4
Remote Mode Indicator, 4-6
remote modem Top-Level menu, 11-3