Glossary-33830-A2-GB91-30 August 1998
buffer A storage device used to compensate for
differences in the data flow rate when transmitting
data from one device to another.
byte A sequence of successive bits (usually eight)
handled as a unit in data transmission.
character A letter, figure, number, punctuation, or other
character echo A way to check the accuracy of data transmission
by sending (displaying) all the characters being
transmitted to the monitor.
Class 1 fax A fax modem standard. Under Class 1 computer
software handles most of the protocol,
compression, and conversion tasks.
Class 2 fax A fax modem standard. Under Class 2 the modem
handles most of the protocol, compression, and
conversion tasks as well as modulation, leaving
the computer free for other work.
command line Contains the command(s) instructing the modem
to perform a function. Command lines begin with
the AT prefix (unless disabled), and are executed
when you press the Return key.
Command mode One of two general modem operating modes.
When in Command mode, the modem accepts
commands instead of transmitting or receiving
configuration option Modem software that sets specific operating
parameters for the modem. Sometimes referred to
as straps.
connector An outlet on equipment and cables that provides a
CSA Canadian Standards Association.
CTS Clear-to-Send. A signal indicating that the modem
is ready for the DTE to transmit data.