4. AT Command Set and S-Registers
4-393830-A2-GB91-30 August 1998
Table 4-3
(10 of 20)
Model 3830 S-Registers
S48 Leased Line Carrier On Level
Determines if the modem disconnects if the carrier signal on leased lines
falls below –26 dBm or –43 dBm.
Register has the following values:
0 = –43 dBm
1 = –26 dBm
Factory setting is –43 dBm.
S49 Transmit Buffer Disconnect Delay
Determines the maximum amount of time the modem can continue to
send data in its Transmit Buffer to the remote modem after it is
commanded by the DTE to disconnect.
Register has the following values:
0 = Disable (Immediate disconnect)
1 = 1 second
2 = 2 seconds
255 = 255 seconds
Factory default is 10 seconds.
S51 DTE Remote Loopback (CT140)
Determines if the modem performs a remote digital loopback if it receives
a CT140 signal from the DTE.
Register has the following values:
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Factory setting is Disable.