COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems – Model 3830
4-32 August 1998 3830-A2-GB91-30
Table 4-3
(3 of 20)
Model 3830 S-Registers
S6 Blind Dial Pause
Determines how long (in seconds) the modem waits after going off-hook
before dialing a telephone number if using result code X0, X1, or X3.
Enter a value from 2–255 seconds.
Factory setting is 2 seconds.
S7 No Answer Timeout
Determines how long (in seconds) an originating modem waits before
abandoning a call when no answer tone is received.
Enter a value from 1–255 seconds.
Factory setting is 45 seconds.
S8 ‘‘,” Pause Time for the Dial Modifier
Determines how long (in seconds) the modem pauses when it encounters
a comma (,) in the Dial command string.
Enter a value from 0–255 seconds.
Factory setting is 2 seconds.
S10 No Carrier Disconnect
Determines how long (in tenths of seconds) the modem allows the carrier
signal to be Off before disconnecting the call.
Enter a value from 0–254 in 0.1 second increments. (A value of 255
disables this register.)
Factory setting is 20 (2 seconds).
S12 Escape Guard Time
Sets the value (in 20-millisecond increments) for the required pause
before and after the escape sequence is issued. The guard time prevents
the modem from interpreting data as the escape sequence characters.
Enter a value from 0–255 in 20-millisecond increments. For example, the
factory setting of 50 equals 1000 milliseconds or one second. Factory
setting is 50 (1 second).