
COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems – Model 3830
1-4 August 1998 3830-A2-GB91-30
Table 1-1
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Model 3830 LEDs
Label Color Indicates
PWR green Power
ON. Power is on and the modem is capable of
ALRM red Alarm Flashing
The modem has detected an internal
OH green Off-Hook
ON. The modem is off-hook.
OFF. The modem is on-hook.
DTR/108 green Data Terminal Ready
The DTE has turned ON DTR or the modem
has forced DTR ON.
RTS/105 green Request-to-Send
The DTE has data to send to the modem.
CTS/106 green Clear-to-Send
The modem is ready to receive data from the
TXD/103 green Transmit Data
The modem is receiving data from the DTE to
LSD/109 green Line Signal Detect
The modem has detected a valid carrier
signal and is capable of transferring data to
the DTE.
RXD/104 green Receive Data
Data is being transferred to the DTE.
SQ yellow Signal Quality
The receive telephone line signal is degraded.
EC green Error Control
Modem is in Error Control mode.