November 1997
Ending an Active Test
A test initiated by the user can be ended by the user.
H A Test Timeout option is available to automatically terminate a user-initiated
Loopback or Pattern test (as opposed to manually terminating a test) after it
has been running a specified period of time. Refer to System Options,
Table A-1.
Test Timeout does not pertain to tests commanded by the:
— Network, such as the network-initiated CSU and DSU Loopbacks.
— DTE, such as the DTE-initiated Local Loopback.
H On each test screen is a command column. Pressing Return when the cursor
is on the Start command stops the test.
H Use the Abort All Tests selection from the Test menu to stop all tests running
on all interfaces, with the exception of network or DTE-initiated loopbacks.
Command Complete appears when all tests on all interfaces have been
Test Status Messages
The Test Status Messages in Table 7-1 appear in the right-most column of the
System and Test Status screen. For additional information on loopbacks, refer to
Loopbacks, Table 7-2.
Table 7-1. Test Status Messages (1 of 2)
Test Status Message
CSU Loopback Active A CSU Loopback toward the network is currently active. Only
applies to a test initiated by the user via the ATI or the NMS.
DSU Loopback Active A DSU Loopback toward the network is currently active. Only
applies to a test initiated by the user via the ATI or the NMS.
Lamp Test Active The Lamp Test is active, causing the LEDs on the front panel to
Local Loopback Active A local loopback toward the DTE is currently active.
Monitoring 511 on
DSU is monitoring a 511 test pattern on the network interface.
Monitoring 511 on Port DSU is monitoring a 511 test pattern over the DTE port.
Network-init. CSU LB
A CSU Loopback initiated by the network is currently active.