Configuration Option Tables
7610-A2-GB20-10November 1997
Table A-13 contains non-printable ASCII characters. To form a control sequence,
the caret (^) must be followed by one character. In addition to ASCII printable
characters, these control sequences are also valid entries in the following:
H Call Directories screen. Refer to the
Call Setup
section in Chapter 3.
— Phone Number field
H External Device Options, Table A-6
— Connect Prefix option
— Connects Indication String option
— Escape Sequence option
— Disconnect String option
Table A-13. ASCII Non-Printable Characters
ASCII Hex Sequence ASCII Hex
^A or ^a SOH 0x01 ^Q or ^q DC1 0x11
^B or ^b STX 0x02 ^ R or ^r DC2 0x12
^C or ^c ETX 0x03 ^S or ^s DC3 0x13
^D or ^d EOT 0x04 ^T or ^t DC4 0x14
^E or ^e ENQ 0x05 ^U or ^u NAK 0x15
^F or ^f ACK 0x06 ^V or ^v SYN 0x17
^G or ^g BEL 0x07 ^W or ^w ETB 0x17
^H or ^h BS 0x08 ^X or ^x CAN 0x18
^I or ^i HT 0x09 ^Y or ^y EM 0x19
^J or ^j LF or NL 0x0A ^Z or ^z SUB 0x1A
^K or ^k VT 0x0B ^{ or ^[ ESC 0x1B
^L or ^l FF or NP 0x0C ^\ or ^| FS 0x1C
^M or ^m CR 0x0D ^] or ^} GS 0x1D
^N or ^n SO 0x0E ^^ or ^~ RS 0x1E
^O or ^o SI 0x0F ^- US 0x1F
^P or ^p DLE 0x10