Configuration Option Tables
November 1997
Table A-3. Data Port Options (3 of 3)
Monitor DTR
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Indicates to the DSU whether to monitor the Interchange Circuit CT108, Data Terminal
Ready (DTR), from the DTE.
Enable – The DSU monitors the state of DTR on the User Data (DTE) port. Based on
the Link Traps option setting in Table A-12, the DSU uses the DTR circuit to trigger a
Link Up/Down SNMP trap and a Health and Status message.
Disable – DTR is not monitored by the DSU. Use when a DTE does not provide the
DTR lead at the interface.
User Interface Options Menu
The User Interface Options Menu includes the following:
H Terminal Port Options, Table A-4
H Management Port Options, Table A-5
H External Device Options, Table A-6
H Telnet Session Options, Table A-7
Terminal Port Options
To access the Terminal Port Options screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
User Interface
Terminal Port
Table A-4. Terminal Port Options (1 of 3)
Data Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 28.8, 38.4
Default Setting: 9.6
Data rate in kbps on the Terminal port.
2.4 to 38.4 – Selects a Terminal port data rate from 2.4 to 38.4 kbps.
Character Length
Possible Settings: 7, 8
Default Setting: 8
Specifies the number of bits needed to represent one character, including the parity bit.
7 or 8 – Sets the bits per character.