7610-A2-GB20-10November 1997
Network Interface
Configuration Option Settings
Default in [Bold]
Network-initiated DSU Loopback (64K CC) [Enable], Disable
Data Scrambling (64K CC) Enable, [Disable]
V.54 Initiated DSU Loopback Enable, [Disable]
In-Band Management Channel Rate (bps) [Disable], 1600, 4000, 8000
IMC IP Address [] –
IMC Subnet Mask [] –
IMC Routing Information Protocol None, [Proprietary]
Cross Pair Detection Alarm [Enable], Disable
No Signal Alarm [Enable], Disable
Out of Service Alarm [Enable], Disable
Out of Frame Alarm [Enable], Disable
Excessive BPV Alarm [Enable], Disable
In-Band Framing Alarm [Enable], Disable
Data Port
Configuration Option Settings
Default in [Bold]
Invert Transmit Clock Enable, [Disable]
Port (DTE) Initiated Loopbacks [Disable], Local, Remote, Both
Bilateral Loopback Enable, [Disable]
Carrier Control by RTS [Constant], Switched
CTS Control [Standard], Follow RTS, Forced On,
Circuit Assurance
RLSD Control [Standard], Forced On
DSR Control [Standard], Forced On, On During Test
Monitor DTR [Enable], Disable