November 1997
Using the ASCII Terminal
Accessing the ATI
You can communicate with the ASCII Terminal Interface (ATI) using one of the
following methods:
H Direct connection through the Terminal port.
H Dialing in through an external modem to the Terminal port.
H Telnet session through the 10BaseT port.
H Telnet session through the In-band Management Channel (IMC).
Only one ATI session can be active at a time, and another user’s session
cannot be forced to end. To automatically log out a user due to inactivity,
enable the Inactivity Timeout option (see Table A-5, Terminal Port Options,
and Table A-6, Telnet Session Options.
The user interface is idle until activated. Press Return to activate the user
interface. Security can limit ATI access several ways. To setup security or a login
ID, refer to Chapter 4,
Connecting to the Terminal Port
Verify that the settings of the device that you connect to the Terminal port match
these factory-loaded option default settings:
H Data rate set to 9.6 kbps.
H Character length set to 8.
H Parity set to None.
H Stop Bits set to 1.
To change the Terminal Port settings, refer to Table A-5, Terminal Port Options.