Configuration Option Tables
November 1997
Table A-6. Telnet Session Options (2 of 2)
Login Required
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Used to secure access to the ATI through a Telnet session. Login IDs are created with a
password and access level. Refer to
Creating a Login
in Chapter 4.
Enable – Security is enabled. When access is attempted via Telnet, the user is
prompted for a Login ID and password.
Disable – No Login required for a Telnet session.
Session Access Level
Possible Settings: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
Default Setting: Level 1
The Telnet session access level is interrelated with the access level of the Login ID.
Level 1 – This is the highest access level. Access level is determined by the Login ID. If
Login Required is disabled, the session access is level 1.
Level 2 – This access level overrides a Login ID with an access level 1. If a Login ID
has an access level of 3, the effective access level is 3.
Level 3 – This access level provides the effective access level and overrides a Login ID
with an access level of 1 or 2.
NOTE: Refer to
ATI Access
in Chapter 4 for information about access levels.
Inactivity Timeout
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Provides automatic logoff of a Telnet session.
Enable – The Telnet session terminates automatically after the Disconnect Time set in
the next option.
Disable – A Telnet session will not be closed due to inactivity.
Disconnect Time (minutes)
Possible Settings: range 1 – 60
Default Setting: 5
Number of minutes of inactivity before a Telnet session terminates automatically.
Timeout is based on no keyboard activity.
H Disconnect Time (minutes) option appears when Inactivity Timeout is enabled.
1 to 60 – The Telnet session is closed after the selected number of minutes.