November 1997
Deleting a Login
To delete a login record:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Administer Logins
2. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area below the dotted line.
3. Select PgU
p or PgDn and press Return to page through login pages/records
until you find the one to be deleted.
4. Once the correct record is displayed, select Del
ete and press Return.
5. To complete the delete action, select S
ave and press Return.
When the deletion is complete, Command Complete appears at the bottom of
the screen. The number of login pages/records reflects one less record, and
the record following the deleted record appears.
ATI Access
Access to the ATI is available through either the Terminal port or a Telnet session.
Access to the ATI through the Terminal port can be limited. Refer to Table A-5,
Terminal Port Options, to:
H Enable Login Required.
H Assign a Port Access Level of 1, 2, or 3.
The ATI can be accessed remotely through a Telnet Session via either the
10BaseT port or the IMC. The DSU provides several methods for limiting access
to the ATI through a Telnet session.
H Refer to Table A-6, Telnet Session Options, to:
— Enable Login Required.
— Assign a Telnet Session Access Level of 1, 2, or 3.
— Disable Telnet access completely.
H To prevent the 10BaseT port and IMC from supporting a Telnet session you
can also:
— Set the Ethernet Port Use option to Disable. Refer to Table A-4, Ethernet
Port Options.
— Disable the IMC using the In-Band Management Channel Rate (bps)
option. Refer to Table A-2, Network Interface Options.
Preventing access to the ATI by setting the In-Band Management Channel Rate
or Ethernet Port Use options to Disable also inhibits SNMP management over
those interfaces.