MIB Descriptions
7612-A2-GB20-10November 1997
Table C-2. Interfaces Group Objects (2 of 4)
Object Setting/ContentsDescription
(ifEntry 3)
Identifies the interface
type based on the
protocol(s), right below
the network layer.
Supported values:
H ethernetCsmacd(6) – Used for the
Ethernet port.
H other(1) – Used for the DDS network.
H ppp(23) – Used for the In-band
Management Channel.
H rs232(33) – Used for the Terminal port.
H v35(45) – Used for the User Data port.
(ifEntry 4)
Identifies the largest
datagram that can be
sent or received on an
interface (Ethernet port
or IMC).
Number of octets.
(ifEntry 5)
Provides the current
bandwidth for the
interface in bits per
H Ethernet Port – The data rate for the port.
H Terminal port – Configured data rate for
the port.
H DDS – Line rate of 56,000 or 64,000 bps,
reflecting the line rate detected by the unit.
H User data (DTE) port – Current data rate of
the port (DDS operating rate minus IMC
H In-band Management Channel –
Configured data rate for the In-band
Management Channel.
(ifEntry 7)
Provides interface
status. Supported as
H up(1) – The interface is enabled.
H down(2) – The interface is disabled.