Monitoring the HotWire DSLAM
November 1997
DSL IP Router Screens
Use the system submenu information of the IP Router screens to display
read-only system information.
" Procedure
To view routing and ARP tables:
1. Follow this menu sequence:
IP Router
2. The IP Router menu appears. Select the submenu option as shown in
Table 7-10 and press Return.
Table 7-10. IP Router Options (1 of 3)
Routing Table B-E-A
Displays information and statistics stored in the IP routing table. Note that routes will
appear only for interfaces that are up. The information and statistics are listed by route
and destination number.
To display information for a specific destination, enter the destination IP address at the
[Destination # or <RET>]: prompt.
Routing Table Screen
The Routing Table displays the following columns of information:
# – Displays the entry number in the routing table. Use this number to specify which
entry you want to display more information.
Destination – Specifies the destination (or source) IP address of the packet.
Subnet Mask – Indicates the associated subnet mask for the specified destination IP
Routes – Number of routes for Destination.
Flags – Identifies the type of route: host, sub (subnetwork), or net (network).