DSL Card Configuration
November 1997
Table 6-5. IP Router Options (4 of 4)
ARP (Parameters, Add Entry, and Delete Entry) A-E-D (A-E-A to A-E-C)
Parameters (A)
Gives the user the ability to configure general Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache
Complete Entry Timeout (minutes) – 1–200000 (Default = 20).
Incomplete Entry Timeout (minutes) – 1–200000 (Default = 20).
NOTE: If you have made changes to this screen, you must do a card reset.
Add Entry (Add ARP Entry) (B)
Gives the user the ability to add entries into the ARP cache.
IP Address/Host Name –
MAC Address –
Trailers – Yes/No (Default = No).
Proxy – Yes/No (Default = No).
Perm – Yes/No (Default = No). If you select yes for Perm and no to proxy, the ARP
entry will be saved in NVRAM (up to 32 entries). These are loaded when the card
Add Entry – Enter Yes to add an entry or exit.
Add Another Entry – Enter Yes to add another entry.
Delete ARP Entry (Delete ARP Entry)(C)
Gives the user the ability to delete entries line by line in the ARP cache. The screen
displays columns for Line, IP Address, Ethernet Address, Min, and Delete.
Select the line you want to delete, select Yes/No, and press Return.
NOTE: For the Add and Delete ARP Entry screens, any information entered is not
stored in the NV memory and will be lost when you reset the card.
Host Table (IP Host Table) A-E-E
Gives the user the ability to define mappings between IP addresses and host names.
The host table can be used to hold the host name to IP address translation for telnet
sessions out from the card. An alternative to populating this table is to define a DNS
server (see A-A-B).
Enter the IP Address and Host Name in
format and press Return after
each entry.
NOTE: You have to confirm the save for any changes to take effect