5446 RTU Setup
November 1997
5446 RTU IP Configuration Table
Host routes use the IP address assigned to the end-user systems supported by
the 5446 RTU. Service domain IDs use the IP address information pertaining to
the 5446 RTU within the service domain.
There must be three entries in the 5446 RTU IP configuration table:
H NAP address. This address is automatically injected across the DSL link
from the DSLAM and cannot be modified.
H Host address. This is the IP address of the end-user system connected to
the 5446 RTU and is the same IP address configured for the DSL port card.
The address could also be a subnet address.
H Service domain address. This is the IP address for the 5446 RTU in the
service provider domain.
IP and Device MIBs Supported
The following pdn-IP Injection Objects (pdn-common 11) contain IP address
information. Information built from this table:
H Host IP routing. Displayed in the MIB II IP Route Table as read only.
H Service IP address. Displayed in the MIB II IP Address Table as read only.
IP Injection Table supports:
H One NAP IP Address injected as the Peer IP Address from the DSLAM. The
NAP IP Address cannot be added, deleted, or changed from SNMP.
H Four service domain IDs.
H Thirty-two Host Routes and/or Subnets.