DSL Card Configuration
November 1997
DSL Configuration Ports Screens
Use the system information submenu of the Ports screens to display the DSL
Ports screen.
" Procedure
To configure DSL ports:
1. Follow this menu sequence:
2. The Ports menu appears. Enter the desired value on each selected screen
and field and press Return.
Table 6-2. Ports Options (1 of 2)
Ethernet Port A-B-A
Gives the user the ability to configure the Ethernet Port.
Port Name – Enter the port name (up to 7 characters).
Full Duplex – Enable/Disable. (Default = Disable)
Function – Edit/Reset. Select Reset to have changes become active.
DSL Ports (DSL Parameters) A-B-B
Gives the user the ability to configure the operational and alarm parameters of the DSL
ports. Each DSL port is configured separately.
Action – Edit/Reset. Edit to configure the DSL ports, Reset to reset the port and make
changes active.
Port # – Enter port 1 to 4. (Default = 0)
Port Desc – 40 characters (User Name, telephone number, circuit id of DSL loop, etc.).
Tx Power Attenuation – 0db, –3db, –6db. Enter the rate that allows you to reduce the
transmit power by: –3 or –6 db. (Default = 0db)
Startup Margin – The Startup Margin field is used to determine the quality of the
connection of the upstream link on system startup. It is used in conjunction with the
adaptive speed fields to determine the initial line speeds of the DSL link. The value is
between –3 and 9. In Adaptive Mode, if the margin falls below SM, the DSL link will be
restarted at a slower speed. If the calculated margin of the next speed is greater than
SM by 3db, the speed will increase. Enter –3 to 9. (Default = 3)