
Customizing SoundStructure Designs
5 - 45
Signal Generator
Each SoundStructure device can have a single signal generator defined can
generate white noise, pink noise, a sine wave, and a sine sweep. By default,
each project will have a signal generator with pink noise at a level of -30dB
added to the project.
The user control of the signal generator is shown in the following figure. The
type of noise is selected from the Type pull-down control.
To use the signal generator, unmute the crosspoint at the signal generator to
the desired outputs. Typically the signal generator will be routed to loud-
speakers as part of the setup process (see Chapter 7) to ensure loudspeakers
are active and to adjust the loudspeaker levels in the room.
The controls for sine and sine sweep allow for additional parameters to be set
as shown in the following figure.