
Command Protocol Reference Guide
A - 113
ir_key_held Key Held On IR Remote
When queried, this parameter returns the keycode value of the last key that
was held on the IR remote. As an event, a status message is generated at an
interval of approximately 100 ms whenever an key is held on the IR remote.
ser_baud RS-232 Baud Rate
This parameter sets the baud rate for the RS-232 port. Hardware flow control
should be enabled for baud rates over 9600 bps (see the ser_flow parameter).
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Virtual Channel
Value Type Integer
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Phys Chans Infrared Remote Input
Virt Chans Control
System Limits Minimum: 0, Maximum: 255
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Device-Specific System
Value Type List
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Values 9600 : 9600 bits per second (default)
19200 : 19200 bits per second
38400 : 38400 bits per second
57600 : 57600 bits per second
115200 : 115200 bits per second
Command Response Description
set ser_baud 1 9600 val ser_baud 1 9600 Sets the serial port baud rate on device 1 (the first
device) to 9600.