
Design Guide for the Polycom SoundStructure C16, C12, C8, and SR12
A - 116
This parameter returns the status of the system. A value of ok indicates that the
system is operating normally. The front-panel LEDs on all the devices will be
green in this condition. A value of warning indicates that a warning condition
has occurred. A warning condition is usually due to a configuration error that
can be corrected via software. The front-panel LEDs on all of the devices will
be yellow in this condition. A value of error indicated that an error has
occurred that is most likely due to a hardware failure or some other serious
condition that can’t be corrected via software. The front-panel LEDs on one or
more of the linked devices will be red in this condition.
dev_temp Internal Temperature
This parameter returns the temperature (in degrees C) from of one of the
internal temperature sensors. The temperature sensors have the following
locations by index. 1 is at the back right, underneath the plug-in slot. 2 is near
the center of the analog input circuitry. 3 is at the front right, in front of the
power supply.
Value Type List
Read/Write Mode Read-Only
Values ok : Normal operation
warning : Warning condition
error : Error condition
Argument Argument value
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Device-Specific System
Value Type Floating-Point
Read/Write Mode Read-Only
Indices 1-3 : Temperature sensor index
System Limits Minimum: -40.0, Maximum: 125.0, Resolution: 0.1