
Command Protocol Reference Guide
A - 41
The matrix_pan parameter is available at crosspoints where mono virtual
channels are mixed to stereo virtual channels. The matrix_pan parameter
provides a way to control the amount of gain going to the left and right
Telephony Parameters
Telephony Parameter Summary
Some telephony API commands operate on the input virtual channel and
some operate on the output virtual channel. Below is a table of commands and
whether they operate on the input or output channel.
Col Phys Chans Conferencing Line Output, Sound Reinforcement Line
Output, Submix, ConferenceLink Aux Output
Col Virt Chans Stereo
System Limits Minimum: -1.0, Maximum: 1.0, Resolution: 0.01
Default 0.0
User Limits
Argument Argument value
Command Response Description
set matrix_pan "Phone In"
"Amplifier" 1
val matrix_pan "Phone In"
"Amplifier" 1.000
Sends the mono virtual channel "Phone In" to only the
right channel of the stereo virtual channel "Amplifier".
set matrix_pan "Phone In"
"Amplifier" -1
val matrix_pan "Phone In"
"Amplifier" -1.000
Sends the mono virtual channel "Phone In" to only the left
channel of the stereo virtual channel "Amplifier".
set matrix_pan "Phone In"
"Amplifier" 0
val matrix_pan "Phone In"
"Amplifier" 0.000
Sends the mono virtual channel "Phone In" to both the
left and right channels of the stereo virtual channel
set matrix_pan "Table Mic
1" "HDX Stereo Mics Out"
val matrix_pan "Table Mic
1" "HDX Stereo Mics Out"
Sends the mono virtual channel "Table Mic 1" to the left
channel of the stereo virtual channel "HDX Stereo Mics