104Chapter 8 System Conguration
Server Preferences
Global Management System User’s Guide
Device Specific Configuration
For Polycom Video Endpoints
Default Password
If each video endpoint in your organization has the same administrative password, enter the
default password information. This will enable you to manage systems that have an existing
administrative password. This does NOT reset the administrative password on the video
endpoint. Instead, by setting the default password on the server, Global Management System will
now be aware of the unit’s password. If you want to congure an administrative password for all
Polycom group video endpoints on your network, you will need to provision this setting.
To set the default password, click on the “Modify default password” check box and enter the
password in the Password eld and the Verify eld in the Default Password section.
Otherwise, leave these elds blank if the Polycom group video endpoints in your organization
require individual passwords or have no passwords.
For ViewStation only
Hide Admin Password
When connecting to a ViewStation via the Manage System button, the unit’s admin password is
exposed in the URL line at the bottom left hand corner of the browser window. Check this option
to hide the password and require the user to enter the admin password (in a login dialog box) for
each Manage System request.
Modify Tracing Setting
The duration for when a “Device Trace” log le is generated for a specic endpoint is specied
under “Days to keep tracing logs”. The default is 7 days, however, the default can be specied
at a higher number. The longer the le is kept, the more les will be maintained on the server.
Check this option to specify the number of days to keep the tracing logs on the server.