
19Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
conguration script and Use a proxy server are not checked. If any of these settings is enabled,
uncheck it, click OK and reboot the server to insure that the new settings take effect.
Internet Information Services
Global Management System is a web-based application built using facilities provided by Micro-
soft Internet Information Services (IIS). If you are using Windows 2000, IIS should have been
installed by default. If you need to install Internet Information Services, you can through the
Add/Remove Program les icon on the Window 2000 Control Panel. IIS 5.0 is available on the
Windows 2000 CD.
IIS 6.0 is included on the Windows Server 2003 installation CD, but is not installed by default. To
install IIS 6.0 use the “Add or Remove” programs Control Panel. “Internet Information Server” is
found in the “Application Server” Component under the “Add\Remove Windows Components”
TIP: Don’t change Internet Information Server settings unless it is necessary
Global Management System is designed to operate correctly using a standard installation of
Internet Information Services using the default options selected by the IIS setup program. Do not
change any web server conguration settings or security settings unless it is necessary. Always
test the web server conguration settings before implementation in a production environment.
TIP: Keep the machine in an IT operations facility
The Global Management System server should be located in a secure information services
facility rather than in an ofce or location where it could be inadvertently turned off, unplugged
or damaged. The Global Management System user-interface is web-based and can be access
using a browser from any desktop, therefore, once the server is setup and congured, there is
no reason to use it directly. Ideally, the server should be kept in a locking server rack to prevent
tampering or being turned off.
TIP: Use a UPS
An uninterruptible power-supply (UPS) is strongly recommended. In order for services such as
call-detail recording, Global Directory accessing, account validating and network status monitor-
ing to work effectively, the server must be running at all times. Sudden power-loss to the server
will often result in hard-drive corruption.
Installation and Conguration Tips