Global Management System User’s Guide
iPower Admin Setup Menu
Admin Tools :: General :: Logon and Security
iPower Field Type Meaning
Standard Windows
Radio button Lets users log on by entering the user name and
password for a local Windows user account, a
Windows domain account, or the system default
user account. Users have the privileges you dene
for these accounts.
Auto Logon Check box Lets users log on without entering a user name or
password. The system displays the Logon dialog
box with the default user name and the password
already lled in. This means that anyone can use
the system. Users have the privileges dened for
the default user account.
Default user name User Dened
Name used for a generic account that is required
when you choose Auto Logon. For systems using
Auto Logon, the default user account logs the user
on to both Windows and the collaboration system.
Set Password User Dened
Displays a dialog box where you set the password
for the default user account (required for Auto