
Chapter 16-Network Services
Polycom, Inc. 16-71
Resource Report
The Resource Report displays the resource usage in total and per Network Service in a table
format. The Resources per Service table provides the actual information on resource usage
and availability per network Service and provides an accurate snapshot of resources usage
in the system.
You can select the graph to display: select either Totals (default) or the Network Service.
Port Gauge Indications
The port Gauges displays the total resource usage for the RMX and not per Network
Service. Therefore, it may not be an accurate representation of the availability of resources
for conferencing, as one Network Service may run out of available resources while another
Network Service may have all of it resources available. In such a case, the port gauges may
show that half of the system resources are available for conferencing, while calls via the
Network Service with no available resources will fail to connect.