Chapter 2-Conference Profiles
Polycom, Inc. 2-33
In layout 2+8, the two central windows display the last two speakers in the conference:
the current speaker and the “previous” speaker. To minimize the changes in the layout,
when a new speaker is identified the “previous” speaker is replaced by the new speaker
while the current speaker remains in his/her window.
Telepresence Layout
(CP only)
The Telepresence Layout Mode drop-down menu enables VNOC
operators and Polycom Multi Layout Applications to retrieve
Telepresence Layout Mode information from the RMX.
The following modes can be selected:
• Manual
• Continuous presence - Room Continuous Presence (Default)
• Room Switch - Voice Activated Room Switching
Note: This field is enabled only if the RMXsystem is licensed for
Telepresence Mode.
Table 2-12 New AVC Profile - Video Settings Parameters (Continued)
Field/Option Description
Table 2-13 Auto Layout – Default Layouts
Number of Video Participants Auto Layout Default Settings
The RMX supports the VUI addition to the H.264 protocol for endpoints that transmit wide video
(16:9) in standard 4SIF resolution.