Chapter 17-The Call Detail Record (CDR) Utility
Polycom, Inc. 17-5
Multi-part CDR File display
When the Multi-Part CDR is configured on the Collaboration Server, an additional column,
Part Index, is added to the CDR list.
The Part Index column displays the CDR file’s sequence in the CDR file set:
• CDRs that are up to 1MB consist of a single file. Each file has a unique Display Name and
a Part Index of 1.
• Files included in a Multi-Part CDR file sets have the same Display Name. The first file of
the set is numbered 1 with each additional CDR file numbered in an ascending numeric
Status The conference status. The following values may be displayed:
• Ongoing Conference
• Terminated by User
• Terminated when end time passed
• Automatically terminated when conference was empty – The
conference ended automatically because no participants joined the
conference for a predefined time period, or all the participants
disconnected from the conference and the conference was empty
for a predefined time period.
• Conference never became ongoing due to a problem
• Unknown error
Note: If the conference was terminated by an MCU reset, the status
Ongoing Conference will be displayed.
File Retrieved Indicates if the conference record was downloaded using any of the
file retrieval buttons in the CDR List pane or the API.
• Yes - when the conference record was retrieved to any file or using
the API.
• No - when the conference record was not retrieved at all.
The File Retrieved field is updated whenever the record is
Table 17-1 Conference Record Fields (Continued)
Field Description
Single FIle CDRs
Multi-Part CDR