Chapter 19-Collaboration Server Administration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 19-23
5 Click OK.
The path of the selected directory is displayed in the Retrieve MIB Files dialog box.
6 Click the Save button.
The MIB files are saved to the selected directory.
7 Click Close to exit the Retrieve MIB Files dialog box.
8 In the Agent dialog box, define the parameters that allow the SNMP Management
System and its user to easily identify the MCU.
9 Click the Traps tab.
The Collaboration Server-SNMP Properties – Traps dialog box opens.
Traps are messages sent by the MCU to the SNMP Managers when events such as MCU
Startup or Shutdown occur. Traps may be sent to several SNMP Managers whose IP
addresses are specified in the Trap Destinations box.
Table 19-12 Collaboration Server-SNMP Properties - Agent Options
Field Description
Contact person for
this MCU
Type the name of the person to be contacted in the event of problems
with the MCU.
MCU Location Type the location of the MCU (address or any description).
MCU System Name Type the MCU’s system name.