
Chapter 20-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 20-19
Controls BFCP’s use of UDP and TCP protocols for dial-out
SIP Client connections according to its value:
AUTO (Default)
If SIP Client supports UDP, TCP or UDP and TCP:
- BFCP/UDP is selected as Content sharing protocol.
If SIP Client supports UDP or UDP and TCP:
- BFCP/UDP selected as Content sharing protocol.
If SIP Client supports TCP
- Cannot share Content.
If SIP Client supports TCP or UDP and TCP
- BFCP/TCP selected as Content sharing protocol.
If SIP Client supports UDP
- Cannot share Content.
SIP_ENABLE_FECC By default, FECC support for SIP endpoints is enabled at the
MCU level. You can disable it by manually adding this flag and
setting it to NO.
Setting the flag to 1 prevents the use of two sockets for one
SIP call - one for inbound traffic, one for outbound traffic. This
is done by inserting port “5060/5061” into the Route[0] header.
Possible values:
0 - Inbound traffic on port 5060/5061 outbound traffic on
port 60000
1 - Both inbound and outbound traffic on port 5060/5061
Default: 1
SUPPORT_HIGH _PROFILE Enables or disables the support of High Profile video protocol
in CP conferences. This flag is specific to CP conferences
and has no effect on VSW conferences.
Range: YES / NO
Default: YES
The number of seconds the server will wait for a TCP client to
answer a call before closing the connection.
Default = 5 (seconds)
V35_MULTIPLE_SERVICES Not Supported in RMX 1800.
If the connection of multiple Serial Gateways to RTM-LAN
cards is required:
The V35_MULTIPLE_SERVICES System Flag must be set to
The default value of the V35_MULTIPLE_SERVICES System
Flag is NO, enabling only one Serial Gateway to be supported
per RTM-LAN card.
Table 20-2 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description