Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
Polycom, Inc. C-13
Video Unit ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Data Board ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Data Unit ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 65535.
Message Service
The Message Service type.
Currently the only value is:
3 - IVR
Conference IVR
The name of the IVR Service assigned to the conference.
Note: If the name of the IVR Service contains more than 20 characters, it will
be truncated to 20 characters.
Lecture Mode Type Indicates the type of Lecture Mode, as follows:
0 - None
1 - Lecture Mode
3 - Presentation Mode
Lecturer Note: This field is only relevant if the Lecture Mode Type is Lecture Mode.
The name of the participant selected as the conference lecturer.
Time Interval Note: This field is only relevant if Lecturer View Switching is enabled.
The number of seconds a participant is to be displayed in the lecturer window
before switching to the next participant.
Currently the only value is 15.
Lecturer View
Note: This field is only relevant when Lecture Mode is enabled.
Indicates the lecturer view switching setting, as follows:
0 - Automatic switching between participants is disabled.
1 - Automatic switching between participants is enabled.
Audio Activated Not supported.
Always contains the value 0.
Lecturer ID Not supported.
Always contains the value 4294967295.
Table C-5 Event Fields for Event 5001 - CONFERENCE START CONTINUE 4
Field Description
Note: When this event occurs as the result of a change to the value of one of the event fields, the
event will only contain the value of the modified field. All other fields will be empty.
Conference ID The conference ID.
Table C-4 Event Fields for Event 2001 - CONFERENCE START CONTINUE 1 (Continued)
Field Description