
Transmission Fluid Exchanger Unit
Model: 92500
SAFETY DEFINITIONS: Follow all WARNING, CAUTION, IMPORTANT, and NOTE messages in this manual.
These messages are defined as follows: WARNING means you may risk serious personal injury or death;
CAUTION means you may risk personal injury and property damage or serious unit damage; IMPORTANT means
you may risk unit damage; and NOTEs provide clarity and helpful tips. These safety messages cover situations
ROBINAIR is aware of. ROBINAIR cannot know, evaluate, and advise you as to all possible hazards. You must
make sure all conditions and procedures do not jeopardize your personal safety.
COPYRIGHT: No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recorded, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of
DISCLAIMER: All information, illustrations, and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest
information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without
obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes. Further, ROBINAIR shall not be liable
for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits) in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this material. If necessary, obtain additional health and safety information from
the appropriate government agencies and the vehicle and oil manufacturers.
To prevent personal injury and/or property damage,
Allow only qualified personnel to operate the unit.
Study, understand and follow all instructions and warnings before operating this
device. The operating instructions and safety precautions must be read and
discussed in the operator’s native language, if the operator cannot read these
- Si el operador no puede leer o comprender estas instrucciones de funcionamiento
y las precauciones de seguridad, éstas deberán leerse y comentarse en el idioma
nativo del operador.
- Si lutilisateur ne peut pas lire les directives relatives au fonctionnement et aux
mesures de sécurité, celles-ci doivent pouvoir être transmises à lutilisateur dans sa
langue maternelle.
Wear protective equipment, including safety goggles. Disconnect hoses with
extreme caution.
Keep tools, electrical cords, and hoses away from moving engine parts.
Vent exhaust to the outside while running the vehicle. Never run a vehicle without
adequate ventilation in the work area.
Before starting the vehicles engine, verify the vehicle is in PARK or NEUTRAL, with
the emergency brake ON.
Review current local, state, and federal statutes, cases, laws, and regulations to determine the current
status and appropriate disposal method for transmission oil. It is the responsibility of the user to
determine if a material is a hazardous waste at the time of disposal. Ensure that you are in compliance
with all applicable laws and regulations.