AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -28
> DO (Display Off parameter for AR-3000)
Function: Display Parameter setting
Syntax: stxDO: * , * , * , * ;
a b c d
a Card in slot
0 Card in slot A
1 Card in slot B
b Display Sleep
0 Off
1 On
c Sleep Time (0M30S - 59M59S)
4.2.4 Request Commands
< 2Q (pattern phrase reQuest for AR-2000)
Function: Pattern Phrase setting contents request
Syntax: stx2Q: **** ;
a Pattern Phrase number
Note: This is a request for when the phrase type is pattern phrase.
(* refer to PU command)
> 3Q (pattern phrase reQuest for AR-3000)
Function: Pattern Phrase setting contents request
Syntax: stx3Q: **** ;
a Pattern Phrase number
Note: This is a request for when the phrase type is pattern phrase.
(* refer to PS command)
> GQ (sonG phrase reQuest for AR-3000)
Function: Song Phrase setting contents request
Syntax: stxGQ: **** ;
a Song Phrase number
Note: This is a request for when the phrase type is song phrase.
(* refer to SS command)
= AC (ACtive)
Function: Activity sensing (Verify AR-3000 unit activity)
Syntax: stxAC;
Note: Normally, an ACK command will be output from the AR-3000 by using this command.
During recording , playback or playpause, the Phrase number will be output.