AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -40
System Settings
= AC (ACtive)
Function: Active sensing reply
Syntax: stxAC: * , **** ;
a b
a Status of AR-3000
0 During playback
1 During recording
2 During recording pause
3 During playback pause
b Phrase number
Note: During Dual Mono Mode, this is output twice.
refer to the 4.2.4 AC command
= CE (Count play sEt up)
Function: Program (Count) Playback setting output
Syntax: stxCE: * , * , **** , **** , .... , **** ;
a b c c .... c
a Card in slot
0 Card in slot A
1 Card in slot B
b Program Playback patterns ( 1 - 5 )
c Phrase number to be played back (up to 100 phrases)
Note: refer to UQ command
= CR (Card Remain)
Function: Card remaining capacity output
Syntax: stxCR: ******* , ******* ;
a b
a Remaining capacity of card A
b Remaining capacity of card B
Note: unit: byte. refer to MQ command
If the card is in AR-2000 format, AR output '0' for remaining capacity.
= DC (Display Contrast)
Function: Display Contrast setting output
Syntax: stxDC: *** ;
a Display contrast ( -10 - +10 )
Note: refer to LQ command