AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -36
> RU (phRase set Up for AR-3000)
Function: Phrase setting output
Syntax: stxRU: ***,”*********”, *,*,*,*,***,**S*,*,*,**M**S,*,**M**S,*,**S*,*,**S*,
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q
**H**M**S**F*S, **H**M**S**F*S,*,*, **H**M**S**F**S, **H**M**S**F**S,***,**** ;
r s t u v w x y
a Phrase number
b Phrase name (up to 12 characters)
c Phrase type
0 Phrase
1 Pattern Phrase
2 MIDI Phrase
3 Song Phrase
d RDAC-Grade
0 Announce
1 Long 2
2 Long 1
3 Standard
4 High
5 S-High
e RDAC-Mode
0 Linear
1 Mode 1
2 Mode 2
3 Mode 3
4 H-Linear
f Recording Type
0 Mono
1 Stereo
g Playback Volume (10 - 100)
h Delay Time (0S0 - 59S9)
I Repeat Playback
1 ON
j Repeat Count
99 99
k Repeat interval (0M0S - 59M59S)
l Control Output
0 (OFF)
1 (ON)
m Offset time of control output (0M0S - 59M59S)