
Chapter 13
Pulser Operation
Three different pulser/timing generators are available for use with WinView/32. To be
available, pulser support must have been installed as described in the Installation
chapter. Pulser support is then accessed by selecting
on the
menu and
then selecting the pulser to be used with the system. Available selections include the PI
PG-200 Pulser, the PI Programmable Timing Generator (PTG) plug-in module for the
ST-133 (high power ver 3+) and the Stanford Research Systems DG-535 Digital
Delay/Pulse Generator with Inhibit Option.
The Model PG-200 is available for all Princeton Instruments intensified detectors except
the PI-MAX Intensified CCD Camera, which requires the PTG or DG-535. All three
pulser/timing generators are programmable from WinView/32. Consult the applicable
hardware manuals for detailed instructions on setup and connection to other devices.
PG-200 Programmable Pulse Generator
The PG-200 is programmed via one of the serial ports of the computer, such as COM1 or
COM2. The choices provided by the tab pages are the same ones that are available using
the PG-200 front panel. Basic PG-200 operation is reviewed in the following procedure.
Figure 157.
Pulsers dialog