
396 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
Y Calib: calib_count .......... 3591 E07
Y Calib: pixel_position[1] .... 3592 E08
Y Calib: pixel_position[2] .... 3600 E10
Y Calib: pixel_position[3] .... 3608 E18
Y Calib: pixel_position[4] .... 3616 E20
Y Calib: pixel_position[5] .... 3624 E28
Y Calib: pixel_position[6] .... 3632 E30
Y Calib: pixel_position[7] .... 3640 E38
Y Calib: pixel_position[8] .... 3648 E40
Y Calib: pixel_position[9] .... 3656 E48
Y Calib: pixel_position[10] ... 3664 E50
Y Calib: calib_value[1] ....... 3672 E58
Y Calib: calib_value[2] ....... 3680 E60
Y Calib: calib_value[3] ....... 3688 E68
Y Calib: calib_value[4] ....... 3696 E70
Y Calib: calib_value[5] ....... 3704 E78
Y Calib: calib_value[6] ....... 3712 E80
Y Calib: calib_value[7] ....... 3720 E88
Y Calib: calib_value[8] ....... 3728 E90
Y Calib: calib_value[9] ....... 3736 E98
Y Calib: calib_value[10] ...... 3744 EA0
Y Calib: polynom_coeff[1] ..... 3752 EA8
Y Calib: polynom_coeff[2] ..... 3760 EB0
Y Calib: polynom_coeff[3] ..... 3768 EB8
Y Calib: polynom_coeff[4] ..... 3776 EC0
Y Calib: polynom_coeff[5] ..... 3784 EC8
Y Calib: polynom_coeff[6] ..... 3792 ED0
Y Calib: laser_position ....... 3800 ED8
Y Calib: reserved3 ............ 3808 EE0
Y Calib: new_calib_flag ....... 3809 EE1
Y Calib: calib_label .......... 3810 EE2
Y Calib: expansion ............ 3891 F33
Istring ....................... 3978 F8A
empty3 ........................ 4018 FB2
lastvalue ..................... 4098 1002
Start of Data
The data follows the header beginning at offset 4100.
In WinView/WinSpec, the data is always stored exactly as it is collected. The order of
the data depends on the placement of the shift register.
In the diagram below, the shift register is on the RIGHT SIDE of the chip. Each
COLUMN of data is first shifted RIGHT into the shift register and then DOWN. The
data is read (and stored) in this order:
First column read: XnYm, XnYm-1, ... XnY2, XnY1
Last column read : X1Ym, X1Ym-1, ... X1Y2, X1Y1
| X1Y1 X2Y1 ... XnY1 | S |
| X1Y2 X2Y2 ... XnY2 | H | |
| : : : | I | |
| X1Ym-1 X2Ym-1 ... XnYm-1 | F | V
| X1Ym X2Ym ... XnYm | T |