404 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
control of on 3D graph, 238
control of on single strip graph, 238
Cursor (View menu), 377
Cursor color, 226
Cursor Curve, 124
Cursor functions
data displayed as graph or image, 123
Cursor tab page
cursor style, 237
cursor visible, 237
line type, 237
ROI box display, 237
type and functions, 237
Custom Chip tab page, 80, 238
Custom filter, 164
Custom Filter Matrix tab page, 276
Custom filter procedure, 166
Custom Filter window, 238
Custom installation selections, 34
Custom Timing tab page, 81, 239
Custom Toolbar
adding an available button, 198
customization of, 197
display, 197
removing a button, 198
settings, 197
Custom Toolbar buttons, 239
Acq, 239
Acquire Background, 241
Acquire Flatfield, 241
Color Bar, 240
Cursor Size, 240
CW Mode, 241
End Frame/Strip, 241
Fast Forward, 240
Fast Reverse, 240
Focus, 239
Gain, 242
Gate Mode, 241
Lin/Log, 240
Next, 240
Online ET, 239
Previous, 240
Pulse Counts, 241
ROI/Line, 241
Safe Mode, 242
Separator, 242
Setup Pulser, 241
Smooth, 241
Sobel Edge Detection, 241
Start Frame/Strip, 240
Start Store, 239
Statistics, 241
Stop, 239
Timing Generator Interactive Pulse Width
and Delay, 241
Timing Generator Interactive Trigger
Setup, 241
Toggle Axes, 240
Toggle Color Palette, 239
Toggle Cross sections, 240
Toggle Info, 240
Toggle Status bar, 239
Video Focus, 241
Custom Toolbar dialog box
Add, 198
Available Buttons, 198
Close, 198
Help, 198
Move Down, 199
Move Up, 199
Remove, 198
Reset, 198
Toolbar Buttons, 198
Customize Toolbar dialog box, 242
Dark charge, 142
Data collection (Initial), 85
Experiment Setup procedure
steps common to all controller types, 87
MicroMAX or ST-133, 92
focusing, 92
PentaMAX, 93
data collection, 94
focusing, 94
Skips and Cleans, 86
temperature control, 86
data collection, 95
focusing, 95
V/ICCD Control Box
data collection, 96
focusing, 96
Data Collection (Initial)
procedure for all controllers, 97
Data correction techniques, 141
Data Corrections tab page, 242
Background, 242
CCD Blemishes, 243
Cosmic Ray Removal, 243
Flatfield, 243
Data cursor, 237
Data display
font selection, 114
Data display types, 99, 107, 278
Data displayed as 3D graph, 116
Data displayed as graph