
390 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
int srccmp; /* 654 number of source comp. diodes */
unsigned int ydim; /* 656 y dimension of raw data. */
int scramble; /* 658 0 = scrambled, 1 = unscrambled */
long lexpos; /* 660 long exposure in milliseconds */
/* used if exposure set to -1 */
long lnoscan; /* 664 long num of scans */
/* used if noscan set to -1 */
long lavgexp; /* 668 long num of accumulations */
/* used if avgexp set to -1 */
char stripfil[16]; /* 672 stripe file (st130) */
char version[16]; /* 688 version & date:"01.000 02/01/90" */
int type; /* 704 1 = new120 (Type II) */
/* 2 = old120 (Type I ) */
/* 3 = ST130 */
/* 4 = ST121 */
/* 5 = ST138 */
/* 6 = DC131 (PentaMAX) */
/* 7 = ST133 (MicroMAX/SpectroMax), */
/* 8 = ST135 (GPIB) */
/* 9 = VICCD */
/* 10 = ST116 (GPIB) */
/* 11 = OMA3 (GPIB) */
/* 12 = OMA4 */
int flatFieldApplied; /* 706 Set to 1 if flat field was applied */
int spare[8]; /* 708 reserved */
int kin_trig_mode /* 724 Kinetics Trigger Mode */
char empty[702]; /* 726 EMPTY BLOCK FOR EXPANSION */
float clkspd_us; /* 1428 Vert Clock Speed in micro-sec */
int HWaccumFlag; /* 1432 set to 1 if accum done by Hardware */
int StoreSync; /* 1434 set to 1 if store sync used. */
int BlemishApplied; /* 1436 set to 1 if blemish removal applied */
int CosmicApplied; /* 1438 set to 1 if cosmic ray removal done */
int CosmicType; /* 1440 if cosmic ray applied, this is type */
float CosmicThreshold; /* 1442 Threshold of cosmic ray removal. */
long NumFrames; /* 1446 number of frames in file. */
float MaxIntensity; /* 1450 max intensity of data (future) */
float MinIntensity; /* 1454 min intensity of data (future) */
char ylabel[LABELMAX]; /* 1458 y axis label. */
unsigned int ShutterType; /* 1474 shutter type. */
float shutterComp; /* 1476 shutter compensation time. */
unsigned int readoutMode; /* 1480 Readout mode, full, kinetics, etc. */
unsigned int WindowSize; /* 1482 window size for kinetics only. */
unsigned int clkspd; /* 1484 clock speed for kinetics & */
/* frame transfer. */
unsigned int interface_type; /* 1486 computer interface (isa-taxi, */
/* pci, eisa, etc.) */
unsigned long ioAdd1; /* 1488 I/O address of interface card. */
unsigned long ioAdd2; /* 1492 if more than one address for card. */
unsigned long ioAdd3; /* 1496 */
unsigned int intLevel; /* 1500 interrupt level interface card */
unsigned int GPIBadd; /* 1502 GPIB address (if used) */
unsigned int ControlAdd; /* 1504 GPIB controller address (if used) */
unsigned int controllerNum; /* 1506 if multiple controller system will */
/* have controller # data came from. */